Saturday, 19 November 2011

Misión Cumplida! / Mission accomplished!

A Germán le fue bien en su cita médica ayer. El especialista de higado va a dar su visto bueno para proseguir con el transplante (de médula). Esperamos estarnos yendo a Los Angeles durante las próximas semanas. Los doctores tendrán que coordinar todo con el donante lo antes posible.

Con mucho agradecimiento les contamos que hemos alcanzado la meta de USD $10,000 de recoleccion de fondos. Estamos muy agradecidos. Germán tiene muchos amigos maravillosos, y me siento bendecida de poder decir que son amigos mios tambien. Nos sentimos muy amados.


German's appointment went well yesterday. The liver specialist will recommend he move to (bone marrow) transplant. We are expecting to go to Los Angeles in the next few weeks. The doctors will need to coordinate everything with the donor as soon as possible.

We are very grateful to report that we have reached the $10,000 fundraising goal. We are so thankful. German has so many wonderful friends and I feel blessed to call you all my friends. We feel so loved.


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Rockin' success!

Alejandro Pardo nos cuenta que el concierto "Todos con los Ojos Rojos contra la Leucemia" fue todo un éxito. Entre ventas de boletas y donaciones se obtuvieron USD$ 1,440 adicionales para Germán y Christi, un resultado increíble. Bravo a Alejandro, Juan Carlos, Sergio, amigos y familias por organizarlo todo y por las generosas contribuciones. 

Ya estamos muy, muy cerca a la meta de USD$10,000. Un esfuerzito de aguinaldos y llegamos. Así que por favor sigan compartiendo esto con todos sus círculos!

Alejandro Pardo tells us that the "Todos con los Ojos Rojos contra la Leucemia" fundraising concert was a smashing success. Between ticket sales and donations, they managed to raise an additional $ 1,440 for Germán and Christi, an incredible result. Bravo to Alejandro, Juan Carlos, Sergio, friends and families for making it happen and for the generous contributions.

We are very, very close to the $10,000 target. A little Yuletide effort will surely get us there. Therefore, please do continue sharing this amongst your circles!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Update from Christi and Germán

We had a lovely weekend and are really enjoying our time together at home. The hospital did not have ESPN so German is glad to have all his football channels again!

We watched the concert from the livestream on Thursday night and it felt like we were there. Diego stayed up late so he could be there too. We saw many friends in the crowd and we are so thankful for everything that everyone has done for us! We can truly feel the love and good vibes coming our way :-)

On Thursday we saw German's doctor and he told us German is officially in remission. His blood counts are recovering nicely and he is now able to eat a regular diet. He was happy to eat fresh fruit again! We are meeting with the transplant doctor on Friday, November 11th to discuss the plans for his transplant. He also has an appointment with the liver specialist on the 17th so they can evaluate his liver carefully before moving to the transplant. We are very hopeful the transplant will be the next step in his treatment and will cure him of everything!

We are so grateful to share the campaign has raised $7,500 for our family! Words can not adequately express our appreciation.


Thursday, 3 November 2011


Windows Vista

Windows 7

Cortesía Aurelia y Alejandro Rojas

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Cortesia Aurelia y Alejandro Rojas

Aurelia y Alejandro R. mandaron hoy varias fotos de Germán con ellos y Christi. Pueden verlas navegando a los vinculos debajo de "Fotos" en la columna derecha del blog.

Aurelia and Alejandro R. sent today a few pics of German with them as well as with Christi. You can view them by navigating to the links under "Photos" on the right column of the blog.